Will wonders ever cease? (From Merry)

:Howls of derisive laughter:


You would have to KILL me first.


25 responses to “Will wonders ever cease? (From Merry)”

  1. That is the most frightening, most histerical thing I have seen in quite some time.

    Thank you for sharing, while I am terrified that it even exists.

  2. Are you certified? Do you have credentials?

    I shudder to think that I have subjected myself to a poser without the appropriate paperwork.

    I demand to see something or I will report you to the International Governing Body.


  3. The person who created it posts regularly on the collarme forums and there’s a very cool thread on this entire idea.

    Luckily most are saying “a website doesn’t help anything, use your own good sense, there’s no short cut.”

    We all know the only REAL way to be verified is to get one of those slave registration numbers online.

  4. Nah, we all know the only REAL way to get certified is to have Flagg and Soulhuntre vet you *grin*

  5. I honestly thought this was a joke at first. I mean… “VerifiedBDSM Serial Number”?! Does that come with a fancy, gold-edged certificate?

  6. HEY! I have one of those!

    :paper flys up around her head: it’s around here….somewhere.

  7. They even talk dumb

    “Born out of the frustration felt by the number of fakes, posers, and pretenders found in the BDSM community…”

  8. Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce!

    Some things just work by word of mouth and face-to-face contacts, benighted as those media may be in our increasingly techno-stupid age. Leather is one.

    If you can’t be bothered to leave the house, meet people, and figure out for yourself whether or not they’re worth their salt, then you probably shouldn’t be playing. At least not with me.

    But I support the site. I want everyone who signs up to show me their gold-embossed cards so I can stay the hell away from them.

  9. I just wanted to point out that “Submissive Ophelia”, the one with absolutely horrid hygiene/safety with needles at that TES meeting that all the members complained about is on thier “Staff”.

    If that doesn’t tell us something, nothing does.

  10. yeeks.

    Yeah. THERE’s the seal of quality. They have their own mascot The North American Leather-Butt Fruitbat. That chick is batshit nuts. Stark slavering buggo.


  11. Re: They even talk dumb

    It’s nice to know that we are able help to make the fakes with their frustrations. Make the pretendeers feel all better.

    Adopt- A- Poseur.

  12. Oh, crap.

    Ummm… I left it in my other chaps…

    It was right here a minute ago- It was hanging on my belt with my hula skirt of floggers and my leather vest with a pin on it.

    “Pay no attention to that Dom behind the curtain!”

    :frantically hits levers, cranks up smoke machine:

  13. I just had to check out “Submissive Ophelia”‘s website. I couldn’t help it. Curiosity killed the cat. What a joke she is. All her rules! I thought she was a sub? Que pasa?

    Once again, thank you, Flagg, for showing me what it’s REALLY all about…

  14. A professional submissive and a submissive are not quite the same things. She has to have all those rules lest she be busted for prostitution.

  15. Well thank heavens…

    us poor delicate submissive flowers are now saved. I cannot possibly feel submissive to someone without such high credentialling and shall inform the prior powersthatbe in my life asap.

    Seeing as neither you Flagg, nor Ken…well, since NOBODY I know has this ohsoimportant number…I hereby dub you pretenders to the crown and present you with your HNG banner…

    I would love to see the full ‘certification’ exam. Maybe I will see if I can become a certified dominant…hmmmmmm…

    Thank you for sharing.

  16. VerifiedBDSM Serial Killer registration? I don’t think most BDSM Serial Killers would willingly participate in this program… oh, wait, I misread that. Sorry, Sir.


    Well, really.